Monday 7 July 2014

My" Bridge" feels loose.

Sometimes missing teeth are replaced with what is known as a “fixed bridge”. This type of restoration is cemented to prepared teeth on either side of the gap where a natural tooth used to be. The "weak link" in this type of dentistry is the cement. Over time the cement bond can weaken to the point that bridge becomes un-cemented to one of its supporting teeth. If this situation is not promptly corrected the tooth underneath the bridge will soon decay creating difficulties for the patient. If caught early the problem is easily remedied. If neglected there is the risk of pain and great expense.
If you have  this type of restoration your Dentist will carefully check your bridge for telltale signs of movement that indicate a cement failure in the course of your regular visit. Between dental exams be suspicious of any altered sensation or function of your bridge and see your dentist quickly if changes occur. Remember that no cemented bridge ever should feel loose.

Dr. Shawn Lee a Vernon Dentist